Do I need a Postpartum Doula or Night Nanny?

When we say postpartum, many people automatically think depression. Postpartum is defined as the time after giving birth or bringing a baby home. Postpartum support can mean many different things, which is why post care services have seen an uptick over the past decade. Families are beginning to recognize the struggles of bringing a newborn home, and are readily seeking assistance in the days, weeks, and even months following the birth of their newest family member. The Birth Haven partners with some of the most passionate and educated newborn and new parent specialists in the area and we are thrilled you’ve found us!

What is Postpartum support?

The needs of a new parent are very personal and versatile. We pride ourselves in listening to individual needs while also being able to pivot as necessary. Some clients desire help when the sun is up while others prefer overnight assistance. Day shift doulas often become educators in the initial weeks of a newborns life. They show new parents different ways to soothe and bathe their baby while answering questions that arise. Day doulas are well versed in newborn care, but also can help keep an eye out for anxiety and depression, help with daily household tasks, and more. The goal of overnight support is to help families get the maximum amount of sleep possible. We’ve found that parents who are able to get more sleep tend to be happier, less stressed, and can handle their day to day structure more optimally. Sleep deprivation doesn’t have to be a badge of honor for new parents any longer!

When to hire for postpartum services?

Hiring postpartum support should be part of your initial planning preparation. Pre-planning allows you to have more time to choose the right company as well as ensure you’re able to book the hours you specify. Postpartum doula and night nanny services tend to book up months in advance with minimal availability for last minute additional scheduling. We highly recommend scheduling consults and starting your search by 25 weeks gestation. Occasionally, postpartum practices will have additional availability closer to a due date or even after the baby is born, but clients must be prepared for scattered availability or to be placed on a waitlist. Waitlists are never any fun when you’ve reached the point of desperation, so give yourself the biggest gift- call sooner rather than later!

What are the benefits of a postpartum caregiver?

The benefits of a postpartum caregiver are vast. Having someone in your home who understands the nuances of new parenthood and infants can lead to a much more satisfying and less stressful experience.

We can:

-Lower stress levels

-Watch for signs of anxiety and depression

-Help you get much needed self care including sleep, showering and some time away if needed

-Give guidance on normal and abnormal newborn characteristics in real time

-Teach soothing strategies and sleep shaping skills

-Give access to community resources that have been verified by us

-Help formulate a plan to set up your home before your baby arrives

-Give guidance on travel or take trips with you

-Run errands

-Attend pediatric visits with you to take notes and remind you of questions you may want to ask.

-And much more!

Your postpartum memories should be filled with happiness and positive memories instead if sleep deprivation and tears. To find out how to invest in your experience, reach out! We’d love to hear from you.


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